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Topic Tuesday



This week's topic is minor in possession of alcohol and vapes. This topic can be a very sensitive topic. It is illegal for minors to possess or purchase alcohol or vapes in the state of Arkansas. Minors are considered anyone under the age of 21. The statistics involving underage possession like DWI's or accidents are unfortunately higher than anyone would like in Columbia County. There are more risks than rewards for teenagers and young adults who use alcohol or vape. Alcohol affects the body's liver, bones, endocrine system, brain, and can stunt growth within the emotional development systems, not to mention that alcohol affects the person's thought processes and decision-making skills. While vapes affect lungs and inflammation in the lungs, vapes also affect mood stabilization and bring cancer risks higher from use. When minors are allowed to drink alcohol underage, it can lead to accidents, damaged property, a DWI, and can even cost lives. Adults who allow minors to possess alcohol or vapes can also be charged with a criminal offense. Allowing minors to drink in your home can open the door for them to drink away from home. Minors caught in possession of alcohol or vapes can be charged with a criminal offense in district court. We at the Columbia County Sheriff's Office hope that this topic will help adults and minors make the best decisions regarding their health.

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